Engineering, Construction and Planning Fees
As required by law, the Fauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority (the “Authority”) has established a series of rates to pay for the various services we provide to our development customers. Our fee schedule contains two general categories of development fees:
Availability Fees - Fees that pay for the construction expenses of the Authority’s infrastructure. These are one-time fees that are generally assessed during the construction of the applicant’s home or business.
(i) Availability Fees for meter sizes greater than four inches (4") are determined on an individual basis. The customer and the Authority will enter into a separate agreement, which establishes the applicable Availability Fees for the capacity made available to their particular account.
Route 29 Sewer System Sewer Availability Fee Surcharges (in addition to Availability Fees)
(ii) Availability Fee Surcharges for meter sizes greater than four inches (4") are determined on an individual basis. The customer and the Authority will enter into a separate agreement, which establishes the applicable Availability Fee Surcharges for the capacity made available to their particular account.
Plan Review Fees, Plan Re-Review Fees, Inspection Fees and Re-Inspection Fees pay for the engineering expenses the Authority incurs from the services it provides to the development community. Fees are assessed per plan/plat submission.
For a complete schedule of rates, fees and other charges see Rate Schedule.
**New Rate Schedule effective October 1, 2022**