Recent News
The Fauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your water and sanitation. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Flushing Schedule
We will be flushing the following in the following areas: Catlett, Auburn Crossing, Whitewood Forest and Renaissance Woods starting on 3/24/2025.
Drought Update
FCWSA continues to monitor groundwater levels and precipitation in our region, and the Northern Virginia Drought Evaluation Region that includes Fauquier County remains in Drought Watch status currently. Following a severe drought through fall 2023, this summer Fauquier experienced an intense "flash drought" that greatly stressed water supplies in our region throughout summer and early fall 2024. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), June 2024 was the driest June in Fauquier's 130-year weather history. This particularly stressed our ability to deliver water for discretionary outdoor uses such as irrigation. Total Precipitation over the last twelve months remains slightly below normal for parts of our region, but recent rains have helped alleviate deficits in soil moisture, stream flows, and groundwater levels, and we anticipate DEQ lifting drought advisories within the Commonwealth over the coming month. FCWSA relies solely on groundwater from 46 wells throughout Fauquier County, primarily in the Service Districts, which collect water from fractures in the bedrock deep beneath our water systems. October 1st marks the start of the "water year," which is when our wells begin recovering from the summertime demands and store water to carry us through the next summer. During an average year it's estimated that less than 25% of rainfall migrates through these fractures to be captured by FCWSA's groundwater wells - in drought years this may be less than 15% of rainfall, which is why it's important to conserve our natural resources. FCWSA is no longer under mandatory restrictions on water usage at this time, but we urge our customers to use water wisely so that our wells can begin recovery and build up water for the coming year.
Meter Upgrade Program
Over the next 24 months, you may see WSA employees and vehicles out repairing and maintaining water meters throughout the County. For your safety, please note that all WSA vehicles have logos on the front doors; and WSA employees wear uniforms with logos on the shirts and carry ID badges. Any questions, please contact WSA at 540-349-2092. Thank you.
Subtraction Meter Billing Letter
The FCWSA Board adopted a new rate structure that went into effect in October 2022 which included winter average billing, click here for more information.
New Mailing Address For Payments Only Effective 9/1/22
Effective September 1st we will have a new mailing address for payments only:
Customer Rate Letters
The Fauquier County Water and Sanitation Authority’s (FCWSA) mission is to provide quality, reliable water and wastewater services in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner. Residential customers please click here and for our commercial customers please click here.
Town of Remington Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation
The Authority initiated a comprehensive study of the Infiltration and Inflow (I&I) problems experienced in the wastewater collection system of the Remington Wastewater Treatment Plant, which includes Town of Remington, Bealeton, and Opal service districts. Based on the study, downtown Remington was identified as an area with the highest I&I and very rapid response to storm events suggesting that there were direct sources of inflow to the sanitary sewer system. When groundwater and stormwater enter the Authority’s sanitary sewer collection system, known as I&I, wastewater treatment facilities become less efficient and systems become strained. Also since all water entering a wastewater treatment facility must be treated as wastewater, the operational costs increase proportional to the amount of clean water entering the sanitary sewer system due to I&I.
Septic Hauler Restrictions
The Remington Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) is experiencing an upset due to abnormally high levels of septage received at the WWTP. Effective Monday, July 19, 2021, the FCWSA will not accept any hauled waste generated outside of Fauquier County. Click here for additional details.